CSW69 / Beijing+30 NGO Forum

March 10th - 21st, 2025

Join IHRC for our NGO Forum virtual event:

Toolkit for Women’s Empowerment

March 14th, 12:30p ET - 2:00p ET

Register for NGO Forum:

Join event via Zoom:

We are elevating Human Rights awareness & advocacy — inspiring, activating, & connecting a new generation of leaders to bring transformational global perspectives to communities around the world.

The International Human Rights Consortium (IHRC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded over 30 years ago by visionary founder Wilda Spalding.

‘Sphere within a Sphere’ Arnaldo Pomodoro (1926 – ) United Nations Art Collection

The Mission of the International Human Rights Consortium (IHRC) is to promote the articles & ideals of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) & the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our Mission:

Our Vision:

Born of the essence of our founder Wilda Spalding’s philosophy, our vision is of a world in which the uniqueness & intrinsic excellence of every individual is honored and celebrated for its capacity to add to the overall quality of human experience & human responsibility for all life on our precious planet.

“Positive People for Positive Change“

Recent News:

Global Education & Leadership Institute(GELI)

Hands on Human Rights Engagement. Policy Development. Educational Credit.

Leadership & Mentorship Opportunities.

The Global Education & Leadership Institute (GELI) is a longstanding program of the IHRC. For many years, our founder led multi-generational international service delegations to the United Nations sessions in Geneva, Switzerland. There, participants have the opportunity to meet with multiple high-level officials of both the UN & key international agencies & organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) & the International Labor Organization (ILO). Participants also have the opportunity to host panels, speaking before attending nations’ ambassadors & staff as well as NGO leaders, & to draft Resolutions for further discussion & possible inclusion in UN documents.

“Wilda taught me so much about a subject I thought I was already an expert on: myself!”

-GELI Participant and Scholar