CSW69 / Beijing+30 NGO Forum
March 10th - 21st, 2025
Join IHRC for our NGO Forum virtual event:
Toolkit for Women’s Empowerment
March 14th, 12:30p ET - 2:00p ET
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We are elevating Human Rights awareness & advocacy — inspiring, activating, & connecting a new generation of leaders to bring transformational global perspectives to communities around the world.
The International Human Rights Consortium (IHRC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded over 30 years ago by visionary founder Wilda Spalding.
‘Sphere within a Sphere’ Arnaldo Pomodoro (1926 – ) United Nations Art Collection
The Mission of the International Human Rights Consortium (IHRC) is to promote the articles & ideals of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) & the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our Mission:
Our Vision:
Born of the essence of our founder Wilda Spalding’s philosophy, our vision is of a world in which the uniqueness & intrinsic excellence of every individual is honored and celebrated for its capacity to add to the overall quality of human experience & human responsibility for all life on our precious planet.
“Positive People for Positive Change“
Recent News:

GELI UN Team in Geneva, Switzerland circa 2002

Commission on the Status of Women meeting in NYC UN HQ

IHRC Delegation for the NGO CSW UN Commission on the Status of Women awarding to former chair

Kahani Sunao in Pakistan

'The Golden Rule' by Norman Rockwell

Medaille D'Excellence

Closing the Gap on Women in Technology

Historic IHRC GELI delegation to Geneva, Switzerland

The United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland

Kahani Sunao Relief Aid in Pakistan

Kahani Sunao Emergency Earthquake Relief Aid in Pakistan

Sustainable Fashion Week US

Former Passion Project of IHRC

Kahani Sunao ' To Tell a Story'

First Medicines

Ralph Bunche

First Medicines Supporting Climate Refugees

Founder Wilda Spalding presenting the Medaille d' Excellence

Native Plant Exchange with Valhalla Macadamia Nut Farm in Guatemala

Valhalla Macadamia Nut Farm in Guatemala

Valhalla Macadamia Nut Farm in Guatemala

Southside Food Forest with the WS Little Free Seed Library at Cobblestone Farmers Market in NC, USA

Groundbreaking for the Southside Food Forest in Winston-Salem, NC USA 2018

UN SDG Leadership & Youth Education Program

2024 NGO/CSW International Delegate Team

Global Education & Leadership Institute(GELI)
Hands on Human Rights Engagement. Policy Development. Educational Credit.
Leadership & Mentorship Opportunities.
The Global Education & Leadership Institute (GELI) is a longstanding program of the IHRC. For many years, our founder led multi-generational international service delegations to the United Nations sessions in Geneva, Switzerland. There, participants have the opportunity to meet with multiple high-level officials of both the UN & key international agencies & organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) & the International Labor Organization (ILO). Participants also have the opportunity to host panels, speaking before attending nations’ ambassadors & staff as well as NGO leaders, & to draft Resolutions for further discussion & possible inclusion in UN documents.
“Wilda taught me so much about a subject I thought I was already an expert on: myself!”
-GELI Participant and Scholar